Health Fitness

Why do we sweat? Exploring the science of sweating

It is midsummer and the thermometer is through the roof. Temperatures are expected to be over 90 degrees this month, with humidex or discomfort levels of at least 105. It’s wet and sticky – men will sweat, women will ‘glow’ and no matter what you call it, most of us We will sweat in this sweltering weather.

Why do we sweat?

Sweating is an essential and natural biological process that begins shortly after birth. Sweating or perspiration is the body’s mechanism to keep us cool and prevent us from overheating in a hot environment or during exercise or exertion. Our body also produces sweat when we experience strong emotions or stressful situations, during hormonal changes, and it helps play a role in fighting infection.

Sweat is the body’s main coolant and is a necessary ‘evil’. When your body starts to overheat, whether from exercise or high temperatures, your brain tells its 2.6 million sweat glands to spring into action. It is the evaporation of moisture from your skin that cools your body (physics 101!).

It’s possible to sweat a gallon of perspiration in an hour if you exercise at a high intensity, and professional athletes can sweat twice as much in the same amount of time.

It’s not just intense exercise or high temperatures that can induce perspiration. Some people sweat when they’re nervous because sweat glands are hardwired into our fight or flight mechanisms. This condition is known as hyperhidrosis. Primary hyperhidrosis is excessive sweating with no known cause or trigger, and secondary hyperhidrosis is triggered by specific cues, such as anxiety or fear, and is considered a type of social phobia.

So now that we know what causes sweating, what can we do about it? Let’s tackle nervous perspiration first because, frankly, it sucks. It’s easy to care for if you wash with soap and water and then apply antiperspirant, twice a day if needed.

Did you know that you can use antiperspirant anywhere on your body, including the palms of your hands and the soles of your feet? Yes, you can, so apply antiperspirant liberally anywhere you need it.

Exercise and heat-induced sweating require vigilant hydration, so drink, drink, and then drink some more water. You may or may not feel thirsty, so remember your water bottle and replenish the fluid you’re sweating out. Dehydration is quite unpleasant and can cause headaches, dizziness, and nausea.

The science of sweating, summarized

Stay away from intense heat if you can, wear light, breathable cotton clothing, and don’t exercise outside when the sun is high. What’s the most important thing you can do when you’re sweating? Drink your water, lots of it!

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