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Choosing popcorn

Why does popcorn make good gifts? They are a beautiful addition to the typical kitchen and can be a great snack suggestion. If you or a friend is on a diet, these can also be a great option. For those who think that there might not be anything interesting to use as a snack, then you should consider popcorn.

Popcorn is a healthy snack alternative to other foods like chips and pretzels. High in fiber but low in calories, popcorn can be a hearty snack that keeps you from feeling deprived if you’re trying to cut calories for the day. Such a quick and easy snack, microwave popcorn can negate all the benefits of popcorn because most brands are packed with so much fat and oil that their calorie count is so high. One brand had more calories per serving than the average brand of potato chips! You may be surprised to learn that what sounds like a healthy idea might not be any better than any other type of snack.

The best popcorn poppers are the ones that use hot air to pop popcorn instead of hot oil. The less oil you need to use for your popcorn, the better and healthier it will be. Once you’ve popped the corn, don’t ruin it by adding too much salt or adding calories with cheese or other ingredients. Instead, you can use a little cayenne pepper or garlic powder to make your popcorn taste great without the calories.

It will depend on choosing the size of popcorn you need. If you’re a frequent popcorn eater, like every day, then you want a popcorn that fits nicely on your counter without taking up too much space. If you’re popping popcorn alone for movie night with the family, you can choose a larger model that allows you to pop an entire bowl at once. There’s nothing worse than having to get up in the middle of a movie to make more popcorn.

The brand you choose may not matter to some people and to others, it can be a sticking point. As a gift, the choice of popcorn maker is up to you, but you always want the person you’re buying it for to love it. If you know your brand of choice then that is the one to buy, if not then go for any of the popcorn you have only heard good things about.

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