
Your Network Marketing Career – Monsters in the Closet

You may be thinking that a network marketing career is indeed the perfect career choice for you. And you may very well be right. This could be the career where you find huge amounts of success and satisfaction.

If you haven’t thought about the following concerns and questions, we can almost guarantee that someone close to you will. These are common concerns often raised by family and friends of potential Network Marketers.

#1: “You’ve got to be kidding me! You’re going to do what?”
“You didn’t get involved in one of those crazy pyramid schemes, did you?”
“You better never try to recruit me!”

Often someone’s decision to start an MLM business is met with questions and statements like this. Well-meaning friends and family might react in this way to the announcement of the new business decision. If you are just starting out in this business, these statements can be very frustrating and even discouraging.

Those questions stem from misunderstanding about the MLM business model and skepticism about the industry in general.

Network marketing has gotten a bad rap. However, the once tarnished industry is gaining popularity and acceptance as a legitimate career. More and more people, who in the past would never have considered a network marketing career, are entering this workforce.

Network marketing is a powerful business model, not only for the distributor but also for companies that adopt this structure. Many new and existing businesses are implementing some or all of the features of network marketing. It is a very profitable and efficient way of obtaining products and services. As companies look for ways to increase their bottom line, many choose this form of business model.

It is a win-win situation for the company and for the person who gets involved in the business. Network marketing is one of the few industries left these days that is really growing.

#2: “You went to school and got a degree, and now you’re going to do THAT?”
“Now you make a lot of money! Why would you want to do THAT!”
“You’re a doctor, a lawyer, a CEO…why would you take such a big step to make a career in network marketing?”
“Why would you want to be a… salesman?”

If you’re coming from a status-oriented career, or one where you did well financially, you may be faced with these kinds of questions and statements. Your colleagues may wonder why you would leave your prestigious profession to start a network marketing career.

In some social circles, title, rank, and status are important factors. Some people take pride in working for a prestigious company or in having a title before or after their name. For these status-oriented people, a network marketing career doesn’t fit their idea of ​​a true profession.

However, keep in mind that some of these professionals only earn a moderate income, especially when compared to those who enjoy a really successful network marketing career. It is entirely possible to earn much more than many of these prestigious races pay!

Corporate executives, doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs from prestigious companies are getting involved in network marketing. Some choose to do this part time to supplement their income or establish residual income. Others walk away entirely to pursue a full-time network marketing career.

In a nutshell, if you are one of these professionals planning to pursue this career, you will not be alone. As King and Robinson summarize in their book The New Professional:

“As the security of status jobs fades and the hectic, pressure cooker lifestyles they bring lose their appeal, many high-end professionals who used to write off network marketing are taking a first or a new look. There are few times when smart people get to see others build much happier and more rewarding lives before they’re done, why can’t I do something like that?”

#3: “I’m not a salesperson. I don’t know if I can do this.”

Well… we’ll answer that question in a minute. First, let’s point out some things you may not have thought of when considering his career in network marketing.

Some of the most successful people in network marketing have no sales experience. They don’t use hard core sales techniques. They don’t look like your typical salesman. Most customers or clients don’t react well to that style of sales anyway.

By its very name, network marketing means marketing through building networks of people. Networks are built through relationships. How are relationships built? You don’t do it through hard sales tactics. How many people end up being good friends with their car salesman?

Relationships are built through caring for your customers and partners in your business. You will be successful in helping others build their businesses. This is one of the few industries where people get ahead by helping others get ahead.

So you might be thinking that there must be some sales involved in this process. After all, you have to get people into your organization. And you also have to sell your product or service.

If that’s true. You have to talk to people and get close to them; Even if most of your business is online, you’ll still have to pick up the phone and call your prospects.

What are two beliefs that people who have successful network marketing careers have? These convictions go beyond any fancy sales pitch.

1. They are passionate about their product or service and believe they represent a great company.

2. They believe they have something that others will benefit from and that it will improve the lives of the people they talk to.

Most people will see through a fancy sales script.
Your sincerity, passion, enthusiasm, and conviction are what will draw your prospects and customers to you.

#4: “What About Rejection?”

If that happens. Even for the best of the best, even for the most successful network marketers. Some of your family and friends might even turn down your opportunity. This is a fact of business. But persistence and diligence will pay off. Keep going and never give up. And realize, some of those rejections are just “not for now.” Some of these people will change their minds when they see your persistence and the beliefs that keep you going.

#5: “I would really like to have a career in network marketing, but I don’t know if I have time!”
If you can. Even if you can start your new career part-time, chances are you’ll be able to carve out the time you need.

Most people find the time to do something they really want to do. It may mean prioritizing your activities and seeing how you manage your time. A network marketing career is a perfect part-time business for those who already have a full-time job.

Even Robert Kyosaki urges
“I strongly recommend that all my employees consider network marketing as their own part-time business.”

Network marketing provides additional income and residual income for the part-time business owner, so it may be worthwhile for someone considering doing it to make any necessary adjustments to their schedule.

Some people have started their network marketing career part time, as a “plan B”, just some extra income to add to their lifestyle. But with the downturn in the economy and job losses, many “plan Bs” have become plan “As.” And these people were so thankful that they had already put in the time to build a network marketing business, even if it was only part time. Many of these people have expanded their P/T business into an F/T network marketing career, and will most likely never return to the traditional workforce.

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