Tours Travel

Gaia the Trickster and the Paranormal Hot Spots

As a continuation of the previous article, I decided that some of the material was too detailed to include in the initial thesis of the psychoterrestrials theory. This material deserves to be viewed separately, but not as something separate from my Theory of Psychoterrestrials.

In the last two hours since posting, the regularity or irregularity, if you will, of paranormal events or experiences has already been brought to my attention, so I thought I’d go ahead and post the follow-up article. Once again, I make the disclaimer that this is not to be taken in the language of absolutes or conclusion, as by doing so I make myself a hypocrite and therefore render my theory moot.

Some may ask where is the consistency in Paranormal Activity? Why doesn’t it always happen? Why can’t I see or experience it? The answers, to the best of my ability, are theoretical and just an observation, but that is not to say that they are not valid.

Where is the consistency in Paranormal Activity?

Seek and you shall find. Let’s look at this first question but also rephrase it in a way that makes more sense. Where is Paranormal Activity consistent? I think the answer is twofold. I would postulate that for a Paranormal Activity or a Psychoterrestrial Phenomenon to occur, it must do so as an act of bilocation. It must be first perceived by the human subconscious mind, as well as be seen externally. In the Singularity mentality, these two places are one, but in a dualistic mentality that demands an “other than (me)” type of thinking, there are two or more places of simultaneous occurrences.

I am being very hesitant and careful not to insinuate too much into the ideas of Eastern mysticism or spiritual practice, though I think the two will inevitably marry, if they are not already, the Trickster Element and not just Eastern mysticism, but with everything spiritual/religious. points of view. I wouldn’t be at all surprised to learn that this arena is the main playground of the Trickster Phenomenon and the conceptual birthplace of the archetypes necessary to manifest Psycho-Earth Events. The Human Subconscious Mind is perhaps like a reference library for Gaian Consciousness access in terms of communicative presentation and this in turn leads to psychological filtering and how we perceive experiences and events.

Why doesn’t it always happen?

I could, somewhat vaguely, of course, argue that the psychoterrestrial phenomenon is never NOT occurring, but again, this argument is relevant to perception and I also wish to avoid being accused of creating another “one size fits all” theory. Suffice it to say, I believe that for one to experience a Psycho-Earth Event one must first be actively seeking it out and not necessarily on a conscious level and one must first locate oneself in an area of ​​known occurrences so that when the events or experiences are more subtle, less frequent or are not on a known access point, they recognize each other. It sounds innocent and ambiguous, but this is my best attempt. I’ll try to simplify this a bit. How is this? A seeking mind is a finding mind. When you search, you already have a preconception or at least an archetype buried in your subconscious of what you expect to find. A quiet mind finds nothing. I think Gaia Consciousness is very happy to comply by referencing their concepts and thus presenting them to you in all their manifest glory, but…with the Psycho-Earth Event comes a surprise. He has a message. Some form of communication. You two are touching. Gaian Consciousness perhaps heard or intercepted your search or call, and if one is going to be responsible enough to take up the search, perhaps one should also be responsible enough to make preparations to enjoy the experience they are sensing! I also believe that Gaia Consciousness may be the “Carrier Frequency” that allows some to exhibit telepathic abilities. Don’t quote me on that, but this is, after all, a speculative thesis that all theories have to be.

I won’t go into this aspect too much, as again, it starts to sound very socio-religious and that sort of thing, due to its intimate nature, is perhaps only meant for the experimenter to discover.

So where are the areas of known occurrences? The Earth is full of them! Literally hundreds, if not thousands, of geographic sites on the planet are known for their constant anomalous activity and perhaps some, if not all of them are psychoterrestrial in nature. There seems to be some documentation now that psychoterrestrial phenomena interact with the human subconscious and perhaps the conscious mind. I seem to remember Colin Andrews recounting an episode of Paratopia, experiments of certain groups of people drawing a Crop Circle design on a piece of paper and the group collectively visualizing this design occurring in the fields of southern England. Some cases have shown that this is a repeatable event. Likewise, Researcher/Investigator Christopher O’Brien recounts an event in his book Secrets of the Mysterious Valley, involving him and several of his friends in upstate New York in 1979. They were skygazing (ah ha, looking!) on a sports field on their school campus and Chris himself was the first to notice the anomalous glowing orange balls of light that seemed to interact with thought and request by forming various shapes in the sky at his call. Communication!

The most prominent psychoterrestrial event hot spots appear to be places that the indigenous/aboriginal peoples of the areas have held sacred for sometimes thousands of years. Places like Sedona, Arizona, the Hudson River Valley, New York, the farmlands of southern England/Silbury Hill/Stone Henge, Mount Shasta, California, Hessdalen, Norway, and Mexico City, Mexico all seem to be hot spots. of paranormal/psychoterrestrial activity. It’s almost like all you have to do is show up and you might experience something fantastic. It definitely seems like your chances are increased by going to these places.

Why can’t I see or experience it?

This is my easiest, shortest and most frustrating answer. I don’t know. I wish I did but I don’t. It sounds like an escape response, but I assure you it’s not.

I don’t think anyone can guarantee anyone an experience. I myself have had experiences in close proximity with others who did not witness anything. My best guess is that it has something to do with the seeking mind. I think maybe some don’t see because they just don’t want to. However, I suspect that those who don’t want to see out of fear are more likely to experience something than those who are just apathetic and don’t care one way or the other. I have no reason for that observation other than that fear seems to be an attractant, if not a catalyst, for psychoterrestrial events. I’m also doing more research on this but I’m hesitant to expound on it further as it requires specific and absolute details and well…we already know how I feel about those…



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