How long does trenchless sewer relining typically take?

When your sewer line begins to fail, it can cause serious damage and a host of problems, including costly repairs to landscaping, driveways, walkways, sidewalks and your home. Using traditional excavation methods, it can take days or weeks to dig up and replace your underground pipes. However, there is a better way to do things. Trenchless sewer repair offers a less invasive, more cost effective solution that can get your pipes back in service faster.

When you opt for trenchless sewer relining, your plumber will need to dig two small access holes at each end of the damaged pipe. Instead of digging a trench that runs the entire length of your sewer lines, this new method allows your plumber to insert a new pipe from the outside, creating a seamless internal pipe that is durable and resistant to future failures.

The process also requires far less equipment than digging up your entire sewer system, so it can be completed much faster. This will save you money on labor and the pricey costs associated with replacing your yard, pavement and structures that were buried in the original trenches.

How long does trenchless sewer relining typically take?

One other benefit of the trenchless method is that it’s environmentally friendly. Extensive digging is not only a hassle for you and your neighbors, but it can destroy native plants and create soil erosion. The resulting dirt can be washed into waterways, affecting fish and wildlife. Trenchless methods are a more environmentally conscious alternative, allowing your plumber to work safely and quickly while protecting the environment.

If your old sewer pipe is beyond saving, your plumber can install a brand new, hard plastic pipeline from the inside out. This process, known as pipe bursting or trenchless pipe replacement, uses a similar access hole, but the high-tech machine is able to push or blow a flexible sleeve coated with resin into the existing pipe. This creates a new pipe within your old pipe that closely resembles the look and feel of heavy-duty PVC pipe, eliminating any leaking joints or cracks and enhancing the structural integrity of your entire sewer line.

While it’s possible for trenchless methods to take longer than traditional digging, the results are worth the extra effort. In fact, these innovative techniques can reduce repair times to as little as a day and can save you thousands of dollars in the long run.

The cost for these repairs can vary depending on your specific situation, but they are significantly cheaper than the price tag of traditional digging methods. This makes trenchless sewer relining a solid option for homeowners.

The best way to determine how long your trenchless sewer repair will take is to call a professional for an inspection. They can use a video inspection device to see how your pipes are performing and identify any issues. Then, they can offer you a quote for your trenchless sewer relining or bursting project. Angi can help you connect with plumbing contractors that are experienced in trenchless repairs.

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