Types Of Natural Health Care That A Chiropractor Offers

A Chiropractor Offers

It is time for you to visit the offices of Luis Sandez, NC chiropractors. When you think of chiropractors, you probably think of someone who gives you the manual for adjusting your back and spine. Or someone who helps you relieve pain in your neck by applying pressure through massage or heating pads on your shoulders. You may also picture a doctor sitting to give you shots or medication, but there are so many more options when it comes to being treated by a chiropractor. In this article, you will learn more about chiropractors and how they can help you with your general health and well-being.

Contrary to popular belief, Chiropractor Cary NC do not just “pull” the spine out of alignment with their hands. Instead, they work with the entire body. A chiropractor will first do a physical exam, take the patient’s history and perform some laboratory tests to determine the cause of the problem. Once the cause is determined, then luis will design an effective treatment plan, which will address the main problem and will target the secondary or underlying problem as well.

One common use of chiropractic medicine is for the relief of pain. This is common for back pain, but also for arthritis, whiplash, earaches, asthma, headaches and migraines, and many other conditions. Sometimes, the main problem will be an injury, such as a whiplash from an auto accident. Sometimes, a patient will have misalignment of vertebrae due to abnormal bone growths and will need to be treated through adjustments to relieve tension on these vertebrae. This is referred to as subluxation.

Types Of Natural Health Care That A Chiropractor Offers

Another way that chiropractors help people is through spinal manipulation. During a spinal manipulation, the chiropractor will apply slow, forceful pressure into the spine, using his or her hands. The goal is to restore motion to the joints, and to force the joints to align themselves correctly. It can also help with posture, and correct problems with the alignment of the spine that can lead to pain or dysfunction. Many chiropractors also incorporate massage therapy into their treatments.

A final example of the types of health care that chiropractors practice is through hydrotherapy. This treatment involves using controlled water pressures to remove toxins from the body. Some chiropractors inject a corticosteroid directly into the affected area to help reduce inflammation and to improve circulation, while others simply use a nasal spray to help bring more oxygen into the area. This can also help eliminate nasal congestion, which is often caused by congestion of the bronchial airways. Other methods, such as steam inhalation and hot packs, can also help loosen congestion in the lungs.

All of these treatments are used to help with reducing the effects of injury, disease, or age on the body. These, and other, conditions can be treated by a chiropractor. Many people choose to see one for a variety of reasons. Whether you are experiencing pain or stiffness in your neck or back, need relief from joint stress, or just want to feel better, a chiropractor may be able to help. If you are considering this form of alternative medicine, it is important to do some homework to make sure that your chiropractor is board certified and does not have any prior complaints. This will ensure that your treatment is safe and effective.

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