The 1000 hour challenge

I have always been a goal setter. I can’t remember a time beyond my early formative years when I didn’t aim to stretch myself in one or even several areas of my life. However, I would love to have a smile for every time I failed; for example, the times when I fought the laziness of getting out of bed […]

Paleo Diet – Lose weight and eat healthy

Paleolithic Diet: Basics Do I need a Paleo Diet Plan? 50,000 years ago, when men were hunters and gatherers, it was okay to “eat” to develop layers of fat, as that would come in handy in the winter when food was hard to find. That’s not a problem anymore. Today, we receive a constant supply of processed and refined foods, […]

Does running increase height?

Does running really increase your height? And if so, how much taller can you grow by running? What are the different ways of running? I used to sprint with a lot of different people and what I have found is that not everyone understands the same thing. From my experience, there are three basic understandings of sprints: Running a short […]

Menopause causes weight gain: fact or fiction?

If you’re going through menopause, you’ve probably noticed that a few extra pounds have recently attached to your stomach and your body is slowly transforming from its hourglass or ‘pear’ shape to a more rounded ‘apple’. You may not be very happy about this, but Will Be glad to know that you are not alone: ​​almost 90% of women gain […]

Diabetics and High Protein Diets

It’s incredibly important for diabetics to make sure they’re eating a healthy, well-balanced diet, which can actually be a big part of treating diabetes, as well as many other health conditions, including cancer, high blood pressure, and heart disease. There are different types of diabetes, and the dietary needs are different for each one. For example, those who have type […]

The difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercises

Many people mistakenly believe that all vigorous forms of exercise are aerobic in nature. However, some forms of vigorous exercise are actually anaerobic and have a very different effect on the body. If you’re just getting started with an exercise regimen, this information will help you tell the difference between the two and tailor your workouts accordingly. So what exactly […]